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Western Civilization Under Siege – The Assault On The Western Mind

Chapter summary

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Note: the bracketed numbers refer to endnotes that are given at the end of the book.

My book identifies and exposes the key threats facing Western countries, Western  culture and indeed Western civilization.

The book is available from Amazon in both Kindle and paperback. However, the full text of the book is here.

Internationally renowned social commentator and author, Mark Steyn issued this ominous warning in his bestseller, America Alone, the End of the World as we Know it:

Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive the twenty-first century and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries.

I pose  the question: is it too late to save the greatest civilization in history?

The book traces the decline of Western civilization, and the West generally, from the early twentieth century, until the present. It presents research and data from a variety of sources to support Mark Steyn’s chilling warning. It sets out to trace the history of events leading up to this parlous state of affairs and offers some prescriptions to deal with the crisis.

While Mr Steyn is concerned mainly with the Islamist threat, this book takes a wide-ranging look at the multitude of threats facing the West and Western civilization. As well as the Islamist threat, it also explores the threats from an increasingly aggressive China, from rogue states, from financial collapse and from an EMP event, both man-made and natural, as well as the very real threats to our Western culture.

But it is not all doom and gloom. The sub heading states “How the West can be  Saved”. Chapter 13 provides a list of actions, which if implemented by authorities and governments, could save the West.

I urge every person concerned about the the future of the West to read this book.

Chapter 1: We are at a Critical point in the History of Western Civilization

This important section deals with the assault on the Western mind, the sub-heading title of this book. It describes how the West is embroiled in another Cold War: a war of ideas, of infiltration, propaganda and cultural destruction from enemies within the gates.

At the heart of the attacks on Western civilization are Marxist academics, left-wing journalists and authors who are re-writing history, undermining the foundation of Western civilization by emphasizing the evils of slavery, treatment of indigenous and oppressed colonial populations and the phony evil, “racism,” while studiously ignoring or downplaying the enormous benefits and advances of our great civilization. Behind these groups is what can only be described as an axis of evil, manipulating public opinion and thought and quietly but relentlessly closing down free speech. Key players in the manipulation of public opinion are depicted on the cover of this book.

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Chapter 2. Physical and Financial Threats to the West

This chapter exposes the nuclear threat posed by Islamic countries such as Pakistan and Iran as well as ISIS, and the threat from an increasingly aggressive China and a truly apocalyptic threat – an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) event. The chapter explains how a nuclear bomb, exploded high over a target country would generate a devastating electromagnetic pulse to take out the electricity grid as well as most electronic devices over a range of up to 3,000 kilometers. It could take months or even years to fully restore the electricity grid, leaving the population without food and water as well as banking, transport, and telecommunications.

Official sources estimate that if a high altitude EMP device was exploded over the United States, up to 200 million people would perish within 12 months.[i] An EMP attack would send America back to the pre-industrial age – no electricity, no running water, no transport, no banking and finance, no credit cards, and after a few days – no food.[ii]

[i]       R. James Woolsey and Peter Vincent Pry, “The growing threat from an EMP attack”, Wall Street Journal, August 12, 2014 [paywall-protected article].

[ii]       EMP Commission, Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, Volume 1: Executive Report (Washington, DC: 2004), pp. 1-3.

Dr William R. Graham, Testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, July 10, 2008.

The chapter also details the parlous financial position of some Western countries, particularly the United States.

Some headings in this chapter

  • The China threat
  • Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) – a truly apocalyptic threat
  • What is EMP?
  • Who has EMP weapons
  • Who would launch an EMP attack?
  • Cyber attacks
  • The threat of financial collapse: “The US is bankrupt and we don’t even know it”
  • Global pension time bomb

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Chapter 3: Hegemon Rising

Xi Jinping at military parade

“If we don’t act now, ultimately, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) will erode our freedoms and subvert the rules-based order free societies have built. If we bend the knee now, our children’s children may be at the mercy of the CCP, whose actions are the primary challenge to the free world. The free world must triumph over this new tyranny.” – US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo

US Attorney General William Barr, in a powerful speech at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Michigan on July 17, 2020 made China’s intentions very clear:

The CCP rules with an iron fist over one of the great ancient civilizations of the world.  It seeks to leverage the immense power, productivity, and ingenuity of the Chinese people to overthrow the rule-based international system and to make the world safe for dictatorship.  How the United States responds to this challenge will have historic implications and will determine whether the United States and its liberal democratic allies will continue to shape their own destiny or whether the CCP and its autocratic tributaries will continue, will control the future.

To fully understand China’s motivations and intentions in today’s world, it is useful to study some Chinese history. A brief overview of Chinese history reveals how the Chinese people have been subjected to hegemons and totalitarian systems for thousands of years.

The first of the modern hegemons, Mao Zedong, was responsible for a reign of terror culminating in some 70 million deaths.

This chapter reveals that China, under the latest hegemon, Xi Jinping, is flexing its military muscles in the South China Sea, stealing Western technology via a massive campaign of cyber espionage and engaging in a worldwide propaganda stealth campaign through its Confucius Institutes.

All over the world, China is buying up agricultural land, mines, and oil fields at a frenetic pace, often paying more than the going rate, just to get its hands on the resources. According to the American Enterprise Institute’s China Global Investment Tracker, the value of China’s overseas investment and construction is approaching US$1.8 trillion.

Some headings in this chapter

  • The new hegemon
  • China prepares for war
  • Cyber warfare
  • Chinese use of soft power to extend its global influence
  • Confucius Institutes
  • China buying up foreign assets
  • China a greater threat to the U.S. than terrorism
  • Dictator for life

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Chapter 4: The Assault on the Western Mind

Madness in individuals is something rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule. –Friedrich Nietzsche.

Take a good look at the faces on the cover of my book. Over the past century, these people, along with many others, are responsible for what I call the assault on the Western mind. Their intense propaganda and indoctrination efforts have resulted in what can only be described as a type of mental derangement in the minds  of so many politicians, academics, police, community leaders, celebrities and elites, resulting in truly bizarre behaviour.

Why, for example,  are Western European leaders, such as Angela Merkel, openly and blatantly supporting a population replacement program that will ultimately result in the barbaric Islamic culture replacing the once-proud and magnificent European culture?

Why have many of the political elite, including Theresa May, David Cameron and George W. Bush, declared that “Islam is a religion of peace” when it is clearly not? And why, after each Muslim terrorist attack, do these elites, along with many others, rush to declare that “terrorism has nothing to do with Islam”?

British authorities’ silence about Muslim rape gangs

Oxford rape gang

Why, for many years, did British politicians, police, and social workers turn a blind eye as Muslim rape gangs drugged, raped, trafficked and sold into prostitution, hundreds of vulnerable young white English girls, some aged as young as eleven?

The 2013 trial of a Mulim rape gang in London’s Old Bailey brought to light one of the most sickening episodes of this mental derangment among police, media and authorities. The gang were found guily of a total of 43 charges that included trafficking, forcing girls into prostitution, procuring an illegal abortion, rape, and physical violence.

This gang had run rampant for years under the noses of police and authorities who were too afraid to confront them for fear of being called racist.

An extract from the chapter:

Opening the case for the prosecution, Noel Lucas, QC, said:

Much of what the girls were forced to endure was perverted in the extreme.

These defendants and the others with whom they operated showed the complainants little or no human decency or consideration.

Their conduct towards these very young and vulnerable girls was with total disregard to any moral inhibitions as to their own conduct. The depravity of what the girls were forced to endure was extreme.[i]

The men did this for their own sexual gratification and the sexual gratification of other men, he added.

Mr. Lucas said Mohammed Karrar – known as Egyptian Mo – bought the youngest victim from an unnamed man just after her 11th birthday.

He befriended her with gifts of perfume and hard drugs but then began to beat her up and raped her, the Old Bailey was told.

He branded her with one of her hairpins, which he had twisted into the shape of an “M” and heated with a cigarette lighter. It left a scar on her left buttock.

“He regarded her as his property,” Mr. Lucas said. “He showed her no regard. If she had the temerity to resist, he beat her.”

“He branded her to make her his property and to ensure others knew about it.”

At the age of 12, she was introduced to Karrar’s brother Bassam, 33, who was also accused of raping her.

From the age of 12, the girl was sold to groups of Asian men who violently raped her in private homes and guesthouses around Oxford and elsewhere. Sometimes she was injected with heroin or given date drugs to ensure she complied with the gang’s sick demands, it was alleged.

The court heard girls were tied up, burnt, suffocated, bitten, scratched and urinated upon.

Jurors were told most of the victims chose to take vast quantities of hard drugs to deaden their senses, particularly when they knew they were being hired out to a large group of men for gang abuse sessions that could go on for days.

The victims would return to Oxford bleeding, injured and carrying sexually-transmitted diseases.

[i]       Arthur Martin and Keith Gladdis, “Gang of men ‘who groomed young girls for sex drove terrified victim, 14, to the woods at night and threatened to cut her head off’,” Daily Mail (UK), January 16, 2013.

Chapter 4 introduces what I call the delusional disorder syndrome, whereby the forces represented by the people on the cover of this book have resulted in a deleterious effect on the minds of many people in the Western world, in effect a mass indoctrination. There can be no other explanation for such bizarre behavior by so many of the political, entertainment and media class.

Chapters 5 through 9 expand on this theme.

Some headings in this chapter

Mental derangement or mass psychosis?

Delusional disorder syndrome

Sweden has the first feminist government in the world

The great global warming scare

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Chapter 5: The Dawn of a New Dark Age

This chapter traces the history of the former Soviet Union’s campaign of propaganda and disinformation against the West and exposes Soviet agents in the highest level of the U.S. government. The campaign led to what a Soviet defector called “Stalin’s grip on the American mind,” an event from which, according to author Diana West, America and Western nations have never recovered.

From the time the U.S. officially recognized the Soviet Union in 1933, the Soviets targeted the Western world generally, and the United States in particular, with a massive campaign of spying, subversion, disinformation, and infiltration.

Prior to World War II, there were many Western sympathizers of communism. It appealed to intellectuals, journalists, academics and people with utopian ideals, including many in government.

There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of traitors and spies operating within the U.S. government for the Soviets. A number were later brought to justice.

In a massive research effort, author Diana West has uncovered many hitherto unknown facts about the Soviet infiltration. She writes:

… [W]e were for all intents and purposes occupied by a small army. Expert estimates now peg the number of Americans assisting Soviet intelligence agencies during the 1930s and 1940s as exceeding five hundred… many operating at the very highest level of federal government… This was a national security fiasco that has never, ever entered national comprehension….

West reveals that the Soviet influence was so great that even academics and journalists were subverted.

In this impaired mindset I think we see the ultimate impact of Communist influence, Communist conspiracy. The complete subversion of logic is what it did to us. In this sundering of fact from implication lies the end of Enlightenment thinking, the seedbed of cultural decline, the rise of the godless but nonetheless cultishly religious Left, and the disintegration of a faltering, also damaged Right. Into this same breach between fact and implication, between implication and judgement, has rushed anti-logical, contra-factual “political correctness” and also amoral cultural relativism.[i]

[i]       Ibid., p. 81.

As time moved on, the U.S. government lost interest in tracking down these traitors. It is possible that they continued to affect public policy for the rest of their working lives and may have helped set up some of the Marxist groups still in operation today.

From the 1930s until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Soviets were engaged in political warfare against the West. There are varying estimates of the number of people and resources used by the Soviets in their campaign of spying, subversion, disinformation and agitprop (agitation and propaganda), but there is no doubt the Soviets engaged in political warfare on an industrial scale.[i]

[i]       Richard H. Schulz and Roy Godson, Dezinformatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Strategy (Washington, DC: Pergamon-Brassey’s International Defense Publishers, 1984).

Ladislav Bittman, The KGB and Soviet Disinformation: An Insider’s View (Washington, DC: Pergamon-Brassey’s International Defense Publishers, 1985).

Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri Bezmenov was a highly trained linguist  and a KGB-trained “journalist” with Novosti, a joint creation of the Communist Central Committee’s agitprop department at the KGB. Bezmenov was himself quite skilled at creating lies – “changing perception,” as he put it.

In 1970, Bemenov, disenchanted with the lies and propaganda of his Soviet masters, defected to the United States where he tried to warn the US and the West about the Soviets’ intentions but was horrified there was little interest in his disclosures.

Later, Bezmenov would set out his remarkable thoughts on the U.S. government’s lack of response to his disclosures:

Observing the world-wide destruction of human minds caused by my motherland, un-resisted and unpunished, and meditating about how easily all that mind-warping could be stopped, I wanted to believe that there, in the West, some people and organizations we call “reactionary circles” know the situation and how to deal with our subversion. But when needed, I thought, they would stop us for their own good.

“But,” as Bezmenov would conclude, “no one wanted either my information or to open their eyes.[i]

Some of the  headings in  this chapter:

  • The soviet assault on the Western mind
  • Communist front groups
  • The National Lawyers Guild
  • The Institute for Policy Studies
  • The clear intentions of the Soviet Union

The Soviet campaign weakened the will of the West and set the stage for the capture of the universities and the rise of left-wing groups dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.

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Chapter 6: The Long March through the Institutions

Antonio Gramsci “Long march through the culture”

This important chapter starts with a quote from David Frum:

Americans are the heirs of “the most total social transformation that the United States has lived through since the coming of industrialism, a transformation (a revolution!) that has not ended yet.[i]

The capture of the American mind, as detailed in Chapter 5, made it possible for Soviet-backed groups to capture and subvert the very culture of America by targeting disaffected minorities, intellectuals, writers and even universities, as well as the media and entertainment industries.

Italian communist, Antonio Gramsci  wrestled with the question of why workers in the West weren’t rising up to cast out the ruling class, as Marx had predicted. He concluded that Christianity had “corrupted the working class” and that

… the West would have to be de-Christianized … by means of a ‘long march through the culture’… starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and [the presentation (and revision) of] history.[i]

Gramsci believed that as society’s morals were softened, its political and economic foundation would be more easily smashed and restructured.

In 1923Hungarian Georg Lukács established the Institution for Marxism in Frankfurt – later known as the Frankfurt School. Lukács said:

saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.[i]

After the Nazis came to power, many members of the “Frankfurt School,” such as Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Wilhelm Reich fled to the United States, where they ultimately found their way into professorships at various elite universities including Berkeley, Columbia and Princeton. In the context of American culture, “the long march through the institutions” meant, in the words of Herbert Marcuse, “working against the established institutions while working in them.”[i]

Theodor Adorno

In 1950, Theodor Adorno of the Frankfurt School proposed the idea of the “authoritarian personality” – claiming that

…Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds … traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist … [and] everyone raised in the traditions of God, family, patriotism … or free markets is in need of psychological help.[i]

The Frankfurt School members were frustrated at the persistent lack of interest in revolt by the Western working class. Herbert Marcuse asked the question: Who could substitute for the working class as the agent of revolution?

Herbert Marcuse

His answer was: marginalized groups, including black militants, feminists, homosexual militants, the asocial, the alienated and third world revolutionaries represented by the mass murderer, Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

Cultural terrorism – now called political correctness – was to be waged against white, Christian, capitalist, heterosexual males.

These events led to a cultural revolution spearheaded by armed black students taking over American universities. Ultimately, the great intellectual tradition was trashed and replaced by political correctness and cultural Marxism.

This chapter reveals how universities, once the great bastions of Western intellectual discourse and discovery, have become fortresses of rigid left-wing orthodoxy that brook no dissenting views.

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Chapter 7: The Enemy Within

George Soros

One of the greatest threats to Western society comes not from external forces but from the enemy within – groups and individuals dedicated to the same goal as the Soviets – weakening the fabric of society in preparation for its overthrow and replacement with a Marxist system or a system of world government (now called “global governance” to hide its true meaning), run by unelected elites.

The wealth and power of the various foundations, groups, and individuals funding left-wing causes is gargantuan. The U.S. group, Discover the Networks database, currently identifies and profiles more than 125 major foundations (mostly U.S.-based) whose political and philanthropic orientations are generally leftist, and whose combined assets exceed $100 billion.[i]

This chapter explores the activities of two of the most influential of the figures and groups, George Soros and the Ford Foundation, as well as the activities of some far-left activist groups.

The Discover the Networks site lists the huge number of front groups   funded by Soros, all pushing his anti-American anti-capitalist agenda.

One of the largest and most dangerous concentrations of unchecked power in the United States is the Ford Foundation, an organization with annual discretionary spending power running into the hundreds of millions. It is spending power, moreover, for the political left, including organizations with cultural Marxist goals.

This chapter poses the question:

Ford Foundation president, Darren Walker

How did the biggest foundation in the world get into the business of academic revolution? Why was Ford pushing so hard for the deconstruction of American higher education?

From its founding in 1936 through 1991 Ford had doled out more than $7 billion to over 9,000 organizations and 100,000 individuals across America and overseas.

In 2014 it doled out $569 million in grants, including $203 million for “democracy, rights and justice” and $165 million for “education, creativity, and free expression.”[i]

Ford used its financial clout to help spread the virus of political correctness across American campuses and ultimately to the rest of the Western world.

This chapter also looks at extreme left-wing groups such as Socialist Alternative (Australia), whose website proclaims:

SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVE is a revolutionary Marxist organization. We stand for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of a world socialist system.

SOCIALISM CANNOT be won by reform of the current system or by taking over the existing state. Only the revolutionary overthrow of the existing order and the smashing of the capitalist state apparatus can defeat the capitalist class and permanently end its rule. A successful revolution will involve workers taking control of their workplaces, dismantling existing state institutions (parliaments, courts, the armed forces and police) and replacing them with an entirely new state based on genuinely democratic control by the working class.[i]

Some of the headings in this chapter:

  • George Soros
  • Organizations funded by Soros
  • Organizations that disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes:
  • Organizations that promote radical environmentalism:
  • The Ford Foundation
  • Ford creates the open-borders lobby
  • Ford creates the multiculturalism movement in the U.S.
  • Ford helps create “women’s studies”
  • Ford’s support of Islamic groups
  • Extreme left-wing groups – the enforcers
  • The feminists’ war on white males
  • The domestic violence industry demonizes men
  • .Read the full chapter
Chapter 8: The Remorseless Assault on Free Speech

One of the greatest achievements of the Enlightenment in Europe and the United States is the principle of free speech and reasoned criticism. Democracy is underpinned by it. Our courts and parliaments are built on it.

It is enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

But free speech is under attack today as never before.

The chief threat to free speech today comes from a combination of radical Islamic censorship, left-wing groups, racial vilification laws and Western political correctness.

Even more worrying is the way in which so many politically-correct Western writers, journalists, and politicians have turned their backs on our most basic values.

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Chapter 9: The Dangers of Multiculturalism

The three Hussain brothers, one of the Muslim gangs convicted of sex crimes perpetrated against young English girls in Rotherham

The great majority of Western populations have been allowed remarkably little input into multiculturalism policies, policies that will affect their lives and their futures. Nothing has contributed more to the breakdown of social cohesion in Western societies than multiculturalism. Yet anyone with the courage to challenge the appropriateness of this misbegotten social engineering experiment has been condemned, censured and sneered at.

Some of the headings in this chapter:

  • The Ford Foundation funded and promoted the establishment of multiculturalism in the United States.
  • Mafia involvement in the introduction of multiculturalism into Australia
  • European leaders condemn multiculturalism for its “utter failure”
  • France’s Muslim-controlled, no-go areasFrance has some 751 no-go zones
  • UK poll reveals British Muslim community is becoming a “separate nation within a nation”
  • Multiculturalism and political correctness to blame for the tragedy of Rotherham
  • Over 1,400 British girls, some as young as 11, were groomed, sexually exploited, raped, beaten and trafficked, for more than 16 years in one English town
  • Archid, Baharat and Bannaras, the three Muslim brothers who “owned” Rotherham
  • Ringleader of Rotherham child sex-grooming gang jailed for 35 years
  • Sex slavery in Europe

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Chapter 10:  Understanding Islam

Besides the two main branches of Islam, Sunni and Shia, there are various other strains, three of the most important being Salafism, Wahhabism, and Deobandism

This chapter explains the main strains of Islam and their various offshoots and explores their similarities and differences as well as their motivations, methods and goals.

Some of the headings in this chapter:

  • The origins and reach of sharia law
  • Sharia law and child marriage
  • Islam’s history of slavery
  • Boko Haram’s brutal sex slavery
  • Islamic State: Yazidi women tell of sex-slavery trauma
  • UK preacher tells British jihadists that it is “permissible under Islam to have sex slaves”
  • “Religion of peace”
  • Statistics on the “religion of peace”
  • Islamic “charities” support terrorists
  • The worldwide goal of jihad

Based on her 30 years of living under sharia law, Noni Darwish warns:

The ultimate goal of Islam is not simply to convert people to follow the religion of Islam; it is to establish sharia law over the entire world. It is nothing less than the achievement of totalitarian power and the subjugation of humanity to the most brutal laws of enslavement, and to Arabize the world culture, laws and politics.[i]

[i]       Darwish, Cruel and Usual Punishment, op. cit., p. xix. 

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Chapter 11: The Muslim invasion of the West

Prominent Dutch politician and outspoken critic of Islam, Geert Wilders, issued this dire warning:

We are facing a determined enemy who is striving through all means to destroy the West and snuff out our traditions of free thought, free speech, and freedom of religion. Make no mistake: if we fail, we will be enslaved.[i]

The history of Islam is a history of invasion and conquest.

Multiculturalism, political correctness, misguided notions of tolerance and sheer willful blindness have combined to create an atmosphere of confusion and denial about the current threat facing Western civilization. The subversion campaign, known as a “civilization jihad” is taking place under the noses of government authorities.

Over the past 1,400 years, the world has witnessed numerous Muslim crusades against non-Muslim countries, including Western countries.

The (Muslim) Ottoman Empire, also known as the Turkish Empire, was founded in 1299 by Oghuz Turks under Osman I. During the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ottoman Empire made numerous incursions into Eastern Europe, during which Hungary and Bulgaria were annexed. The Ottomans remained in Bulgaria for nearly 500 years.

The Hijra – Islamization by stealth

Most of the Muslim conquests prior to the 20th century utilized the Islamic concept of jihad – Islamization by the sword. Following the Ottoman setback, 20th-century Islamic leaders realized that to make inroads into militarily-powerful Western countries they needed to utilize the other great vehicle of Islamic conquest, the Hijra

The meaning of Al-Hijra is “to immigrate.” The Hijra was enshrined by Muhammad from the outset within Islam as the “Doctrine of Immigration,” or the “peaceful means of extending the Islamic political state garbed in religious terminology.”

The invasions began with Muhammad in the 7th century. He established control of the Arabian Peninsula which, under the subsequent Rashidun and Umayyad caliphates, saw a century of rapid expansion. The resulting empire stretched from the borders of China and India across central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Some of the headings in this chapter:

  • The six categories of Muslims
  • Similarities between Soviet subversion and Islamic subversion
  • Using the term “Islamophobia” as a propaganda weapon
  • The Muslim Brotherhood and “civilization jihad”
  • France is lost
  • “Welcome to Belgistan”
  • British Muslims – “a nation within a nation”
  • Muslim refugees flood into Europe – “Salafists want to establish an Islamic state in Germany”
  • Turkish government controls nearly 1,000 mosques in Germany
  • Appeasement leads to submission to Islam
  • Dhimmitude and jizya
  • Sleepwalking into dhimmitude

[i]       Geert Wilders, Marked for Death: Islam’s War Against the West and Me (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2012), p. 6.

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Chapter 12: What do Muslims bring to the west

There is no doubt that some Muslims assimilate into their adopted country and subscribe to the country’s laws and culture.

Unfortunately, such Muslims are very much in the minority.

The problem is the threat posed by Islamists demanding the imposition of sharia law, with the ultimate aim of creating an Islamic theocracy together with the threat posed by their military arm, the Islamic terrorists.

It’s a numbers game – the more Muslims in a country, the more Islamists and potential terrorists.

This chapter reviews the impact of Muslim immigration on their host countries.

Chapter headings include:

Female genital mutilation

Defrauding welfare systems

Halal certification extortion rackets

Sharia law – Islamization by stealth

Honor killings


Mistreatment of women


Sexual assaults against women

Terrorism and jihad

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Chapter 13: How Can Western
Civilization Be Rescued?

This chapter opens with a summary of the great achievements of  Western civilization and the current forces threatening its very survival.

Western civilization is, without a doubt, the greatest civilization in history. It has delivered a greater quality of life, standard of living, wealth, freedom of expression and increase in lifespan than any other civilization. But, based on my research as presented in the preceding chapters, I believe the future of Western civilization is in grave danger.

This is a civilization clearly worth saving for future generations, but it will take an enormous effort on the part of many citizens. With a few noticeable exceptions, politicians and governments have largely abandoned us. They have become captives of political correctness. The left-wing media are cheering on the Islamists and the anti-capitalist wreckers. It is up to the citizens of each country to carry out the rescue.

The West has implacable enemies ranged against it. They are highly motivated, highly resourced and highly organized.

Wealthy benefactors pour millions into anti-capitalist groups. Greenpeace alone is reported to have an annual budget of $420 million.

The Ford Foundation distributes over $500 million annually to mostly left-wing causes and activist groups.

Oil-rich Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia, recycle the billions scammed from the West via their oil cartel, into schools, madrassas, mosques and Islamic organizations in Western countries.

It goes on to detail 21 proposals, based on supporting material from earlier chapters,  which, in my opinion, are necessary to ensure the continuance of our great culture.

These include:

Restore freedom of speech

Repeal  racial vilification laws

Repeal all laws relating to multiculturalism – cease taxpayer funding of ethnic groups and councils

Cease immigration from Muslim countries

Make it an offense to propose or implement sharia law

Subdue fifth columns in our midst

Cease taxpayer funding of left-wing propaganda organizations

Free the universities from the scourge of cultural Marxism

The chapter concludes with a quote from Winston Churchill:

Civilization will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be kept, unless a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them and show themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric and atavistic forces will stand in awe

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